- Prof.
Last name:
Telephone (office):
Engineer-mechanic, July1962, Novosibirsk (Institute of Mechanization of Agriculture);
Candidate of Technical Sciences, PH.D. May, 1972,Moscow (Degree granted from All - Union Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)); Senior scientific worker, October ,1979. Moscow (High commission for Attestation of the USSR Council of Ministers);
High political education, May,1976 (University of MarxismLeninism);
Study course of English, 1980, Moscow (Moscow Department of People Education);
Professor, 1995, Approved by Scientific Council of All-Russia Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM);
Study course of computerized program, the project of optimization model of harvesting-transportion procceses in agriculture (Milan University, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, June-September, 1995, Italy).
Work experience
January ,1992 -Present (Extension , Research, Teaching and Administration.) Head of Department of All- Russia Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM), Moscow
July,1987-January ,1992 (Extension , Research, Teaching and Administration.) Head of Department of All-Union Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture(VIM),Moscow
July,1975 - July ,1987 (Extension , Research , Teaching and Administration.) Chief of laboratory of All-Union Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture(VIM),Moscow
April,1974 - July,1975 (Research) Senior scientific worker of All-Union Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture(VIM), Moscow
July, 1970 - April ,1974 (Research) Scientific-research worker of All-Union Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM), Moscow
Sept.,1967 - July,1970 Post-graduate course in All-Union Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM), Moscow
August,1962 - Sept.,1967 Engineer-constructor of State Constructor Bureau of Agricultural machinery building Plant, Novosibirsk
Sept.,1955 - July,1962 Student of Institute of Mechanization of Agriculture,Novosibirsk
(Scientific Leader of the Post-graduate course preparation),main themes:
- Theoretical principles of designing of the rotary tilling machines;
- Mechanical and technological principles of rototilling of tussocks,sod and arable lands including hard solonetz soils also soils with small stones as well as wet and flooded soils in rice plots;
- Methods of determination of agrotechnical indices,force and power characteristics of rototillers and combined machines working tools;
- Methods of selection of optimal parameters of rototillers with horizontal or vertical axis of rotation;
- Power balance of rototilling machine-and-tractor units;
- Peculiarities of express renovation of grasslands in different zones of USSR(radical,surface,strip grass interseeding as well as on steep slopes);conservation tillage,minimal tillage methods;
- Mechanical and technological principles of improving semi-desert and desert pastures with use of combined machines;
- New technology of forages harvesting including corn grain overcrushing in field conditions.
During the period of 1975-1994 nine post-graduates prepared and successfully defended their dissertations (candidate techn.sciences, Ph.D) under the author's leadership.
Since 2007 - present, there are two post-graduates who are preparing their dissertations under the author's leadership.
Research Projects
(as The Scientific Leader and Principal Investigator)
- Working out of perspective technologies for grasslands improving in different soil-climatic zones of the USSR(1976-1980).
- Working out of technologies and mechanization for radical and surface improvement natural grasslands in the main zones of USSR(1981-1985)
- To develop and introduce perspective technological processes of forage production,harvesting and storage depending on zones of USSR on the base of complex mechanization and automation of mobile and stationary processes (1986 - 1988).
- To develop a new generation of forage harvesting complexes on the base of integral all-purpose power unit UES"Polesje" (184...206 KW) as well as a full set of multioperational automated machines to it for forage harvesting,grasslands renovation and other agricultural and communal works(1988 - 1995).
- To develop a new generation of forage harvesters for present multistructural farming systems including private and family farms:mounted and trailed forage harvesters to the reversible integral tractors and power units with engines of 22...45 KW, 60...74 KW ,110...160KW (1991...1997).
- Working out of projects of optimal forage production system for family dairy farms (10..50 cows) with use of own forages production and machinery cooperative service(1992..1994).
- To work out and realize the Program of Union State (Russia-Belarus) for creation new complexes of quick-replaceable machines in order to realize a new "pulling-energetic" concept of disengaged power-unit of 200-450 HP with complexes of module-type machines for main crop harvesting (forages, grasses, grain, corn, sugar-beet, potatous) also with combined aggregates for tillage and seeding for one pass including the combined aggregates for grasslands renovation (2006-2009). The executive director of this Program of Union State.
- Purposeful Programmes of the realization of the eight priority directions (12.1...19.8) of creating new generation progressive resources saving technologies and agricultural machinery for radical modernization of USSR Agro-industrial complex in 1989-1995(Co-leader)