- Prof.
Last name:
Mie University, Tsu, Japan
Date of Birth
Jan. 11, 1939
Prof. Emeritus of Mie University, Tsu, Japan
Technical Adviser, Kansai Corporation (2002-2007)
Technical Adviser, ICETT (2008-2013)
Kyoto University(Agricultural Engineering), B.S. 1964
Kyoto University Graduate School(Agricultural Engineering), M.S. 1967
Michigan State University Graduate School(Agricultural Engineering), Ph.D. 1973
Field of Specialty
Tillage Machinery, Physical Properties of Biomass, Biomass Gasification and Power Generation
- 1967.1 to 1969.3 The International Rice Research Institute(IRRI), Research Fellow and Visiting Asst. Design Engineer Research and development of rotary tiller for tropical rice fields
- 1969.9 to 1972.12 Michigan State University, Research Assistant Research on physical properties of Navy beans as related combine harvester design and development
- 1973.3 to 1980.2 Mie University Faculty of Agriculture, Assistant Professor Machine design and physical properties of agricultural products
- 1980.3 to 1990.3 Mie University Faculty of Agriculture, Associate Professor Application of bio-based fuels to internal combustion engines. Field study of agricultural technologies in South East Asian countries
- 1990.4 to 2002.3 Mie University Faculty of Bioresources, Professor Collaboration research on PTO driven disk tiller with Michigan State University and Asian Institute of Technology. Biomass gasification, carbonization and power generation
- 2002.4 to 2005.3 IBS Corporation and ISSI Corporation, Advisor and Head of Research Division Biomass gasification, carbonization and power generation
Oversea Projects and Consultancy
- 1985 to 1989 Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam Field studies of farming technologies Ministry of Education, Japan
- 1989 to 1990 China(Nanjing Institute for Agricultural Mechanization) Development of agricultural machines (Transplanter and combine) United Nations/ FAO, Rome, Italy
- 2003 to 2005 Philippines Rice husk gasification project at Philippine Rice Research Institute. NEDO, Japan
- 2005 Myanmar Field survey of biomass utilization and and management NEDO/JODC, Japan
- 2006 to 2007 Philippines Rice husk gasification at PhilRice NEDO/JODC, Japan
- 2007 Thailand Biomass survey with TISTR NEDO, Japan
- 2008 Philippines Survey and guidance for prevention of global warming ICETT, Yokkaichi, Japan
- 2009 Philippines Survey and guidance for prevention measures of global warming ICETT, Yokkaichi, Japan
- 2010 Palau Survey of kitchen waste management JICA/ ICETT, Japan
- 2011 Palau Kitchen waste composting and field application JICA/ ICETT, Japan
- 2012 Palau Dissemination of composting and field application JICA/ICETT, Japan
- 2015 Philippine Conservation of Philippine World Heritage Rice Terraces "Risona" Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Osaka, Japan