- Prof.
Last name:
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- Sept. 1951 - June 1956, Undergraduate Program Specialized on Agricultural Machinery in former Beijing Agricultural Mechanization Institute
- Oct. 1958 - June 1962, Postgraduate Program on Agricultural Electrification & Automation, Candidate Doctor Degree of Technical Science, Moscow Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification, former Soviet Union.
- Oct. 1962 - Aug. 1985, Assistant, Lecture, Associate Professor, Department of Rural Electrification, former Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization.
- Sept. 1985 - Aug. 1995, Full Professor (since 1987), Department of Rural Electrification & Automation, former Beijing Agricultural Engineering University
- Jan. 1991 - Dec.1992, Visiting Professor, introduced by the National Education Committee, P.R.China, to Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Sept.1995 - Recent, Professor, College of Information & Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture Integration Research, Ministry of Education, P.R.China
- 1990-1994, Panel Member of FAO on Agricultural Engineering
- 1992-1996, Deputy Director of Session 4 on Rural Energy and Electrification of CIGR
- 1990 by now, Full member of International Club Bologna on Strategies for the development of agricultural mechanization in Italy.
- 2004-2008, President of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(CSAE)
- Recently, Honorary President of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering9CSAE) and Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM)
- Since May, 1995, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)
- Since Aug. 2006, Fellow of CIGR
- Since 2007, Member of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS)
- Since 2003 by 2012, Member of Technical Committee and Governing Council, Asia-Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (UNAPAEM),
A Short Resume of Professor Maohua Wang - China Agricultural University
Maohua WANG is now as Professor, College of Information & Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University (CAU) in Beijing. As a Distinguished national and international scholar, Prof. Wang represents the generation that bridges the preceding and modern agricultural engineers in China. Prof. Wang was appointed as Chairman of Academic Committee on Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research under Ministry of Education and Chairman of Key laboratory on Agricultural Information Acquisition under Ministry of Agriculture, P.R.China. He was honorably elected as member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 1995, Fellow of the International Commission of Agricultural & Bio-systems Engineering (CIGR) in 2006 and Member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences in 2007.
Prof. Wang has completed his undergraduate education majored on agricultural machinery at former Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and got Candidate Doctor Degree of Technical Sciences in Moscow Tymilyazev Agricultural Academy majored on Rural electrification and automation in 1962. Since October of 1962, he has started his carrier in his mother university up to now.
Prof. Wang was as Vice president of Beijing Agricultural Engineering University (1984 - 1990)and appointed by the China's National Education Committee as guest professor to serve Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok) in 1991/1992. Since 1985 to 2003, he was appointed as a first convener of Discipline Assessment Group on Agricultural Engineering under State Academic Degree Commission, P.R.China. He was appointed as panel member of FAO on Agricultural Engineering between 1990-1994, Deputy Director of Session 4, International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Full Member of the International Club of Bologna on Strategies for the development of agricultural mechanization in Italy and as member of International Advisory Editorial Board for 5 AE & ICT International Scientific Journals in the world. His recent research fields are: New generation of ICT for Agriculture, Intelligent Agricultural Equipment Engineering, Biological Information Acquisition, etc. He is as leading expert to promote Information Technologies and System Integration Research for Precision Agriculture in China as well as Strategic Problems of Agricultural and biological systems engineering technological innovation and development strategy research, etc. By the recent regulation,as a member of CAE, he will all life working to serve technological innovation based on his health normal.