- Prof.
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Prof. Baoming Li got his Ph.D. in Agricultural Bio-environmental Engineering at China Agricultural University (CAU) in 1997. He is the Director of the Key Laboratory for Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), China. He is also appointed as the leader of Egg Production and Environmental Control Group in the China Agricultural Research Systems from 2009. His research is focused on the development of animal alternative production systems and environmental control technology to improve its health and welfare. In the last 25 years, he has educated a large number of under- and postgraduate students, and managed more than 30 research projects in the areas of animal husbandry, animal welfare and health, and air quality in animal production. He has published about 270 scientific articles on animal housing, indoor climate, and emissions from animal houses. He is active in national and international committees and advisory boards. He is the Chair of the Animal Husbandry Section of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE).